Designer brands have stopped trying to make “phygital” happen. But they haven’t given up on fashion month yet.
In New York…NYFW is running through Thursday, but the calendar’s leaner than previous years. 60 brands will showcase their definitions of “wearable” this week in mostly digital presentations, down from February’s 177.
- MIA: Heavy hitters including Tory Burch, Oscar de la Renta, and Marc Jacobs.
- Presenting IRL: the Lowe’s project runway crew and a few others.
In Europe...the big three (London, Milan, and Paris) are treating socially distanced show policies like a charcuterie board to pick and choose from. Younger brands will broadcast online, but many traditional brands are holding some variation of a live show with an audience.
Across borders...TikTok is hosting its own fashion month programming for brands that don’t mind their runways becoming meme material. It’ll be a mix of short form runway videos and brand interviews; Alice + Olivia and Puma made exclusive merch for their TikTok tie-ins.
Collection inflection
NYFW and its global counterparts are more than trend arbiters: They support industries spanning retail, textiles, event planning, and tourism, to name a few.
- Usually, fashion month-related spending generates significant revenue for the host cities. NYFW, for example, raked in $900 million annually, by past estimates.
- Small brands rely on fashion month placements to connect with wholesale buyers; bigger brands rely on fashion month to keep existing accounts.
Ideally, hybrid digital and IRL programming will open these historically exclusive events up to more customers. Online-only showings also eliminate the millions brands once spent on custom runways—which they need to pay their employees while sales are soft, designer Tom Ford said.
But hours of back-to-back digital presentations might feel less like an immersive event and more like an extended video conference. That’s what happened atearly digital experiments in Copenhagen and London this summer without live audiences to drum up attention.
Bottom line: What digital presentations lack in people watching, they make up for in accessibility. But we won’t know how effective an online-only fashion month will be until we tally up the video views and distribution deals after.
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