
Hot Topic: Should bars charge more for drinks when they're busiest?

At the mall, it’s where band tees are the only tees. In Retail Brew, it’s where we invite readers to weigh in on a trending retail topic.
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Chasseur De Couleurs/Getty Images

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Retail news that keeps industry pros in the know

Retail Brew delivers the latest retail industry news and insights surrounding marketing, DTC, and e-commerce to keep leaders and decision-makers up to date.

The largest pub company in the UK, The Stonegate Group, has said it will introduce surge pricing in its pubs, meaning that during the busiest times, it will charge about 25 cents more a pint to cover the cost of extra staff.

You tell us: Do you think charging more for drinks during a bar’s busiest times is a good strategy? Cast your vote here.

Circling back: Last time, we told you about how Dior had introduced perfume for babies, Bonne Étoile, that costs $230. We asked if you had a newborn and someone gave you a $230 baby fragrance for a gift—with a gift receipt—what would you do?

No less than 91.3% of you said you’d exchange the fragrance for something else, while just 7.1% of you said you’d keep the baby fragrance and use it on your baby, and 1.6% didn’t know or weren’t sure.

Retail news that keeps industry pros in the know

Retail Brew delivers the latest retail industry news and insights surrounding marketing, DTC, and e-commerce to keep leaders and decision-makers up to date.